So many Christians today go about their daily lives without ever even saying a hello to God. And the prayers that we
do do, we say quickly get through them because Survivor is on, or the kids are being, well, kids, or our spouses are giving
us that "funny look" again.
But without it, our spiritual lives will die. It is just as dangerous as not reading the Bible every day. Look, being
Christian takes effort on our part to keep up. Jesus did all the work on the cross, true, however, it remains to us to maintain
and work, from our end, on that relationship. For that is what Christ did for us, he make possible a RELATIONSHIP.
Would you like it if you kids just said the same thing to you all the time, or did not even speak to you at all? Neither
does God. There are many, many ways to pray. Some feel completely comfortable just talking to God as they would a friend,
and that is fine. Some would like a more formal approach. I like both. I say the Rosary at times. I say the Anglican Rosary
at times, and sometimes I just nod my head, fold my hands, and speak to God from my heart. The important thing is to PRAY.
However you feel comfortable in doing so. I have given some resources here for all manners of prayer.
Now, some won't feel comfortable in praying the rosary because of its veneration of the Virgin Mary. I don't have a problem
with it personally. If you would like to know how to pray the rosary, just got to You will find everything you need right there.
Here is a Rosary for protestants, who like the idea of the rosary, but not of veneration of the Virgin Mary. I find it
very helpful, and contemplative. If you would like to try it out, please feel free to go to
For those who just dont have a lot of time. This rosary, as well, is a protestant rosary which encourages
deep meditation on our Lord and Saviour.
" If it makes you think, makes you appreciate, makes you thankful, and builds your soul, then it
is worth your time." Rev. Blevins